The functions and structures for using the Gentee programming language in Golang projects are described here.
type Custom
The Custom type is used for additional configuration of the compiler and virtual machine. It is passed when the Customize function is called.
Embedded []EmbedItem - an array of additional functions for the standard library.
type EmbedItem
The EmbedItem type describes the function to be embedded in the standard library. It is used in the Custom type.
Prototype string - a description of the function in the Gentee language. For example, myfunc(str,int) int.
Object interface{} - the corresponding golang function.
type Settings
The Settings type is used to specify additional parameters when starting the bytecode in the Run method.
CmdLine []string - an array of command line parameters.
Stdin *os.File - custom standard input.
Stdout *os.File - custom standard output.
Stderr *os.File - custom error output.
Input []byte - predefined standard input (stdin). Can be used, for example, in the function ReadString.
Cycle uint64 - maximum number of iterations in the loop. By default, it is 1600000000.
Depth uint32 - maximum nesting of executable blocks. Limits the recursion depth. By default, it is equal to 1000.
SysChan chan int - the channel for sending SysSuspend (1), SysResume (2), SysTerminate (3) commands. It allows you to control the script execution from the outside.
SysSuspend - suspend the script execution and all its threads.
SysResume - resume the script execution and all its threads.
SysTerminate - terminate the script and all its threads.
IsPlayground bool - assign true if you want to run the script in safe playground mode.
Playground Playground - configure the playground mode.
Path string - path to the temporary directory for writing and reading files. If it is not specified, the subdirectory in the temporary directory will be created.
AllSizeLimit int64 - total size of files. By default, it is 10 MB.
FilesLimit int - maximum number of files. By default, 100.
SizeLimit int64 - maximum file size. By default, 5 MB.
ProgressFunc gentee.ProgressFunc - a function for displaying the progress of copying, downloading, etc., for example, as a progress bar. The function must be of the following type:
func MyProgress(progress *gentee.Progress) bool
and return true. The Progress type is described below. The ProgressFunc function is called when copying, downloading files or also when calling the Progress function.
type Progress
The Progress type is used to display the process of copying, downloading. A variable of this type is passed to the ProgressFunc function and has the following fields:
ID uint32 - unique identifier.
Type int32 - process type.
ProgressCopy (0) - copying.
ProgressDownload (1) - downloading.
ProgressCompress (2) - compression.
ProgressDecompress (3) - unpacking.
Status int32 - status.
ProgStatusStart (0) - the beginning of the process.
ProgStatusActive (1) - the process is in progress.
ProgStatusEnd (2) - the process is over.
Total int64 - total size.
Current int64 - current size.
Source string - source file (object).
Dest string - target file (object).
Ratio float64 - Current/Total ratio. To get percent you need to multiply by 100.
Custom interface{} - serves to store any additional information.
Functions and methods
Customize(custom *Custom) error
The Customize function is used for additional settings of the compiler and virtual machine. It should be called before all the functions. The function returns the error value.
New() *Gentee
The New function creates a workspace for compiling source code.
(g *Gentee) Compile(input, path string) (*Exec, int, error)
The Compile function compiles the script passed to input. You can specify the path to the script in the path parameter. The function returns a bytecode structure, module number and error value.
(g *Gentee) CompileAndRun(filename string) (interface{}, error)
The CompileAndRun function compiles the script from the filename file and executes it. The function returns the result of the script and the error value.
(g *Gentee) CompileFile(filename string) (*Exec, int, error)
The CompileFile function compiles the script from the filename file. The function returns a bytecode structure, module number, and error value.
(exec *Exec) Run(settings Settings) (interface{}, error)
The Run function executes bytecode from the exec structure. You can specify additional settings in the settings parameter. The function returns the result of the script and the error value.
Gentee2GoType(val interface{}, vtype... string) interface{}
The Gentee2GoType function converts the Gentee variable to standard Go types. In the second parameter, you can specify the Gentee type of a variable. For example, arr.bool. In this case you will get an array of variables of bool type instead of int64. You can use this function in your embedded functions.
Type correspondence
Gentee type | Param type | Result type (vtype) |
int | int64 | int64 |
bool | int64 | bool ("bool") |
char | int64 | rune ("rune") |
float | float64 | float64 |
str | string | string |
arr | *core.Array | []interface{} |
buf | *core.Buffer | []byte |
map | *core.Map | map[string]interface{} |
set | *core.Set | []byte |
struct type | *core.Struct | map[string]interface{} |
obj | *core.Obj | interface{} |
Go2GenteeType(val interface{}, vtype... string) (interface{}, error)
The Go2GenteeType function converts a value of the standard Go type to a value of Gentee type. In the second parameter you can specify the Gentee type of the variable. For example, set if you want to convert []byte to *core.Set. You can use this function in your embedded functions.
Type correspondence
Gentee type | Param type | Result type (vtype) |
int | all int & uint | int64 |
bool | bool | int64 |
char | rune | int64 |
float | float64 | float64 |
str | string | string |
arr | []interface{} | *core.Array |
buf | []byte | *core.Buffer |
set | []byte | *core.Set ("set") |
map | map[string]interface{} | *core.Map |
obj | interface{} | *core.Obj ("obj") |
Version() string
The Version function returns the current version number of the language.
Last updated