
Functions for working with a console described here.





|| str


This unary operator writes a string to standard output but it trims whitespace characters in the each line before printing. Returns the number of bytes written.

run {
/* It prints


ClearCarriage(str input) str

The function ClearCarriage clears the string from all carriage return characters \r back to the previous line break character \n. It is recommended to use ClearCarriage if you get the console output when calling the Run function. The function is called automatically in case of str s = $ command line operator.

buf dirout
Run("myapp", stdout: dirout)
// dirout == Start\nPercent: 0%\rPercent: 50%\rPercent: 100%\nFinish
ret = ClearCarriage(str(dirout))
// ret == Start\nPercent: 100%\nFinish

The Print function formats using the default formats for operands of any types and writes to standard output. Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string. Print returns the number of bytes written.

Println(anytype par...) int

The Println function formats using the default formats for operands of any types and writes to standard output. Also, it writes a new line character to standard output at the end. Spaces are always added between operands. Println returns the number of bytes written.

ReadString(str text) str

The ReadString function reads the standard input until the first occurrence of '\n' (Enter key). It returns a string containing the data up to. If the text parameter is not empty, the function prints this text before reading input.

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